Deep Fluid-Rock Interactions (Deep FRI) in Planetary Interiors
I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, DC. My research is driven by broad but interrelated interests on fluid-mediated mass transfer and chemical interactions in the oceanic lithosphere, subduction zones, and in deep planetary interiors. These reactive fluids, which include aqueous fluid, hydrous silicate melt, supercritical fluid, and carbonatite melt, are the main transport agents of mass and energy on Earth. I explore the implications of fluid-rock interactions for magmatism, global element cycling, and planetary habitability.
I stand on three legs in addressing a range of scientific questions. I integrate constraints from detailed petrology and geochemistry of valuable rocks samples, coupled with thermodynamic models. In parallel, I also conduct laboratory experiments at high pressure and temperature conditions to recreate the processes and conditions that likely operate in planetary interiors.
This integrated approach requires the combination of multiple techniques in experimental petrology and analytical geochemistry. I design and perform experiments using experimental apparatus such as a piston cylinder device, multi-anvil press integrated with in situ impedance spectroscopy, and 1 atm gas-mixing furnace. I utilize a wide variety of analytical techniques such as the secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and Multi-Collector Inductively-Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (MC-ICPMS) to determine the elemental and isotopic compositions of experimental run products and natural samples. These results are assessed and interpreted along with additional constraints from complementary fields of geo- and planetary sciences though close collaborative interactions.
Contact me if you are interested in research collaboration. I am enthusiastic about working with scientists with diverse background and expertise.